Nectar or Pus?
By His Holiness Danavir Goswami
Vegan leaders say that milk is pus. Is this correct? Is milk pus? Lord Krsna and all the Vedic authorities say that milk is nectar and these rascals say milk is pus. And some neophyte devotees are listening to such nonsense and becoming influenced.
Someone might argue that devotees accepting commercial dairy products will hinder the development of ISKCON self-sufficient farm communities. However, because of the degraded and foolish atmosphere, the result of veganism or boycotting commercial dairy products is that people in general and devotees specifically simply stop taking dairy products altogether and then belittle devotees who do. Not healthy. In other words veganism puts out such adverse propaganda that unintelligent persons become convinced that milk is bad. Then such persons complicate themselves by derogatorily discriminating against Krsna prasadam.
In the Vedic scriptures, the cow is described as a mother. Therefore she is a mother for all time; it is not, as some rascals say, that in the Vedic age she was a mother but she is not in this age. If çästra is an authority, the cow is a mother always; she was a mother in the Vedic age, and she is a mother in this age also. (Ädi 17.157)
Jayädvaita: …in Wisconsin we saw that there are many dairy cows. They are raising them especially for milk. It’s called America’s dairyland. And they have many, many big dairy cows. And they are getting so much milk. We were preaching that “If you take up Kåñëa consciousness, then you’ll have the richest state, because you have so many cows, and we are preaching that people should drink milk and chant Hare Kåñëa. So your state will be the richest.”
Prabhupäda: No. We can…. From milk, we can make so many nice foods. You take ghee, and from ghee, from grains, from fruits, you make so many varieties. Just like dahl, pulses, soak it in the water and then fry in the ghee and put masalä, and it is so nice salty preparation, dahl mutta. Then make samosä. You introduce these things, dahl mut(?), samosä, jalebés, they will like. They have never tasted all these. Sandeça, rasagullä, pantoa,(?) so many varieties from milk, only milk.
Mädhavänanda: In the restaurant in New York, many, many respectable people come, and they come once and they come back again and again and again.
Prabhupäda: Panwanna(?), puñpänna, kijeranna(?), so many things. What is that? If you kill the cow you get the meat only one time. But if you allow the cow to live and take milk, and from milk you can make hundreds and thousands of preparations. That is enjoyment, real enjoyment. In Delhi, there are shops, very respectable shops. One side salt, and one side sweet. But the salt side or sweet side, they’re all based on ghee. This preparation, dahibarä, so nice. Combination of grain and yogurt. So introduce this. They do not know. It is a new type of civilization we are trying to introduce for the benefit of the human society. They do not know it.
(Garden Conversation — June 14, 1976, Detroit) GoswamiBy His Holiness Danavir Goswami (Vaiñëava Society Vol. 4) Vegan leaders say that milk is pus. Is this correct? Is milk pus? Lord Krsna and all the Vedic authorities say that milk is nectar and these rascals say milk is pus. And some neophyte devotees are listening to such nonsense and...DG ServantDane Holtzmandgservant@rvc.eduAdministratorDanavir Goswami