So Many Challenges
On 9/27/2020 11:32 PM:
Dear Danavir Goswami
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to your services“I also have charts of persons with Guru in the 9th who are not much interested in spiritual life. And others such as Bhagavan Prabhu who have had some very serious setbacks in their spiritual life.
Bhagavan Dasa rose to his heights during his Guru period, he had Guru in the 9th.”
Question. 1. There was no way to escape his fall down. It just overcomes one. He wrote that in his last letter to all his disciples: “ I am under the influence of some planets and I can’t maintain my sannyasa vows”.
Question. 2 . Seventh canto: “Krishna planet neutralizes” – no word of that here:
SB 7.4.37 “It is sometimes said that when one is influenced by evil stars like Saturn, Rähu or Ketu, he cannot make advancement in any prospective activity. In just the opposite way, Prahläda Mahäräja was influenced by Kåñëa, the supreme planet, and thus he could not think of the material world and live without Kåñëa consciousness.”
SP’s whole life predetermined. Predestination. Fate. Where is ‘’my own plan’’, or karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti bhajam, change destiny by bhakti.
SP seems under all the planets of this world, and can’t get around or away. Or, these planets under the Vaikuntha planets, and thus also spiritual? Or independent.ys
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
Dear ___________,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
A sincere devotee does not fall down but if it happens accidentally, he soon resumes his service to the Lord.
ananyäç cintayanto mäà
ye janäù paryupäsate
teñäà nityäbhiyuktänäà
yoga-kñemaà vahämy aham
But those who worship Me with devotion, meditating on My transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack and preserve what they have. (Bg 9.22)
Krsna carries what is lacking for the sincere devotee like Prahlad. It is not predestination alone. One’s previous actions have created a favorable situation for something. Srila Prabhupada was destined to open 108 temples but he still needed to beg for a ticket, publish the three volumes of Bhagavatam, load them on the ship, survive the journey, stay with the Agarwals, tolerate the Bowry, feed the beatniks, dance with the hippies, circle the earth repeatedly, write another eighty books, etc.
One who takes shelter of Krsna surpasses the planets’ influence. Clapping hands in kirtan and all the lines on the hand change. However, one must himself keep clapping in the correct kirtan.
With best regards,
Danavir Goswami 9/27/2020 11:32 PM: Dear Danavir Goswami Please accept my humble obeisancesAll glories to Srila PrabhupadaAll glories to your services “I also have charts of persons with Guru in the 9th who are not much interested in spiritual life. And others such as Bhagavan Prabhu who have had some very serious setbacks...DG ServantDane Holtzmandgservant@rvc.eduAdministratorDanavir Goswami